Interlibrary Loan

Due to limited resources and space, we are unable to acquire everything that is published. We try our best to buy books and materials that most match the use and requests of our patrons. If you can't find an item in our library, ask staff for assistance. We will either purchase the item for our collection, or we will help you get it from another library.

We are part of a network of participating libraries that are willing to loan out materials to other libraries, allowing us to borrow items that we do not own through a process called interlibrary loan. This service is free of charge.

Items are typically delievered within 7-10 days and loan periods vary, but most items are able to be checked out for at least 2 weeks and are often renewable. We ask that you do your best to return items before their due date. If items are late or damaged, you may be asked to pay fines and fees to the lending library.
