Libby - Bridges Overdrive


Libby, also known as Bridges, is the name of our eBook and audiobook consortium for the Iowa Public Libraries. Is is a contracted service with OverDrive, inc. As a resident of the city of Tiffin or rural Johnson County, your Springmier Community Library card provides you access to eBooks and audiobooks you can enjoy! 

Bridges Overdrive can be used both on the computer through the browser version or downloaded via Libby. 

Our membership only allows any resident of the city of Tiffin and rural Johnson County to access this service. If you live outside of these areas, please contact your local library.


Getting Started

Visit Bridges

You may use Bridges two different ways:

Logging In

      Either on your phone with the app or on your computer, to login to see books, you’ll need to:

  1.       Select the Springmier Community Library
  2.       Enter your library card number

Finding Books

Browse and select books you want to check out. You can search specific titles, by collection, and by subject. You can also filter by what's "available now" to see titles with no wait time. You can have up to FIVE (5) books checked out at any given time. You can also have up to TEN (10) books on hold at any given time. 

  •       If a book is checked out, you can place a hold on it and will receive an email when it is available to you to check out.

Click on Borrow to check out a book.

  • Once books are checked out, they will go to your bookshelf. Your bookshelf is where you can see your loans and holds. 
  • Most ebooks are available in both Kindle and ePub formats. Kindle books are for reading on a Kindle or Kindle Reading app. Not all books are available in the Kindle format.


If you ever need any assistance accessing our online books, please call, email, or ask a library staff member, and we will help!