
Libby, previously known as Bridges, is the name of our eBook and audiobook consortium for the Iowa Public Libraries. Is is a contracted service with OverDrive, inc. As a resident of the city of Tiffin or rural Johnson County, your Springmier Community Library card provides you access to eBooks and audiobooks you can enjoy! 

Bridges Overdrive can be used both on the computer through the browser version or downloaded via Libby. 

Our membership only allows any resident of the city of Tiffin and rural Johnson County to access this service. If you live outside of these areas, please contact your local library.


Springmier Library patrons in Tiffin and rural Johnson County now have access to Kanopy, a free film streaming service! Enjoy a wide selection of indie films, documentaries, classic cinema, and more—all available instantly on your browser or through the Kanopy app. Each patron receives a set number of credits per month, with Kanopy Kids titles available unlimited and credit-free!